Biologically Appropriate Raw Food diet


Biologically Appropriate Raw Food diet

Is your dog a carnivore?

The simple answer is not quite yes as certain people point out!

Dogs and cats have evolved to eat meat and bone. The structure of their jaws, their teeth and their digestive system have not changed at all since the days that they would hunt and scavenge for their food which is why it makes sense to continue to feed them raw meat, bone and anything else just as nature intended. Dogs have survived by scavenging anything but particularly fruit, vegetables and raw meat therefore they are omnivores.

Feeding a raw diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food diet “BARF”) to your dog will help ensure that they are getting all the vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients that will keep them fit and healthy.

We are taking great pride in retailing only the best raw dog food here at Posh Pets Spain.

Biologically Appropriate Raw Food diet


Our Raw Dog Food Diet

Made from only natural ingredients for all dog breed types:

  • Only chicken 80 % meat and 20 % soft bone crushed, This raw meat will not contain neither legs nor head and skin will be removed. (3.50€ for 1kg)
  • Chicken with Vegetables chicken meat 80 % with 10% soft bone crushed with 10% olive oil, spinach, turnips, potatoes, peas and beans. (3.90€ for 1kg) 

Health benefits from feeding a raw diet

Just some of the health benefits that come from feeding a raw diet:

  • Lots of energy
  • Shiny coat
  • Healthy digestion and bowels
  • Healthy skin
  • Fresher breath
  • Dense muscle structure
  • Strong bones, teeth and joints
  • More resilient immune system
  • Stools reduced & easier to clean up

It costs about 1.95€ per day to feed a 25kg dog*.

With a healthier pet, trips to the vet will be reduced too. (*based on a Natural Chicken diet as at February 2016)

If you are interested in our Natural diet for your dogs please feel free to contact us. We are now fully stocked of chicken, Beef and vegetables and chicken and vegetables.

How much to feed

Most dogs eat around two to three percent of their ideal adult weight per day.

So, for example:


2% of adult weight:

3% of adult weight:

30kg dog:

30,000g x 0.02 = 600g of food

30,000g x 0.03 = 900g of food

20kg dog:

20,000g x 0.02 = 400g of food

20,000g x 0.03 = 600g of food

10kg dog:

10,000g x 0.02 = 200g of food

10,000g x 0.03 = 300g of food


Initially, when switching your dog to raw, we recommend starting with 2% of body weight and splitting the daily amount as follows:

  • over 6 months old – split into 2 meals per day
  • for 4-6 months old – split into 3 meals per day
  • for under 4 months – split into 4 meals or more per day

Once your dog has been on a raw diet for two or 3 weeks and the stool is fine, dogs over 1 year old should be switched gradually to one feeding per day as it is better for their digestion when on a raw diet. If your dog regularly does not eat all of his meal in one go, then you know you are feeding too much and should adjust accordingly.

Once established on raw, then you can increase the amount of food to 2.5% or 3% of adult body weight depending on your dog. If your dog is very active, you may need to feed a little more than 3%, or if your dog is more of a couch-potato, you may need to feed a little less than 2% – every dog is different. The best way to tell if you are feeding the right amount is to run your hands over your dog’s ribs. If you can feel the ribs, yet not see them, your dog is at a good weight.


Puppies should receive about 2-3% of their ideal/expected ADULT weight split into 3 or more meals per day depending on age.

When puppies are four to six months old, they require a great deal of food and a little extra edible bone as they are building their adult teeth. Do not let puppies get too thin at this important age as their energy demands are tremendous when cutting new teeth.

What to Feed

One common concern with raw feeding is that it is not ‘complete and balanced’. This is untrue for two reasons.

Firstly, no one truly knows what complete and balanced is for a dog, so it is difficult to make this claim.

Secondly, balance can occur over time just as we do with our own meals; every meal does not need to be completely balanced as long as the nutritional needs of the dog are met over the long term.

You don’t calculate the exact percentages of protein and carbohydrates, or the exact amount of vitamins and minerals in each of your own meals, and you don’t have to do it with your dog’s meals. If you feed a variety of meats and organ meats, then it will balance out over time.

Starting Out – Gently

It is a commonly believed myth that dogs switching to a raw diet will experience diarrhoea in the first few days or weeks. This is a myth and is solely caused by an over-zealous approach to the switch to raw food which can cause diarrhoea and/or constipation.

Some robust dogs (such as former street dogs) can usually handle just about any raw food that is given to them, yet other dogs, particularly those that have been on kibble for several years, or who may have an underlying medical condition, need a gentler approach, so it is this gentle approach you should use.

BARF feeding summary

Overall, raw feeding is quite simple. If it still seems complicated, try to visualize a rabbit or bird whole, before it gets cut up and put into containers. Try to feed your dog the rough percentage of bone, meat and organ meat that would occur naturally in this animal. This is what we strive to recreate for our dogs diet.

As you have read, there are only a few guidelines to follow. With time, you will become more comfortable with your dog’s new diet and you will start to see the results in the form of better coats, cleaner teeth, fresher breath and fewer health issues. Switch to a raw diet and feel confident that you will be joining thousands of people who have safely and effectively made the leap to raw and have never looked back.

No matter what breed it is.

No Matter what their size.

We wish you happy raw feeding with your lucky dog!


Posh Pets Spain offers a variety of other services for your Dog or Cat.:

Nutritional advice

Pet pick up service

Boutique Dog Hotel & Cattery

1 to 1 Residential Dog Training

Paw School Dog training workshop

Dog Grooming courses

Pet Travel & Transportation

Pet Relocation Specialists by land, UK, France & Southern Spain

 Book your visit now! 

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